Fake Senator on Fire!

The last 3 days have been unbelievable!

Our fake Senate candidate, Honest Gil Fulbright, went viral. The next thing we knew, a storm of national media was talking about America’s corrupt political system, and our plan to fix it.

It started on Tuesday with a story on Fast Company and an Honest Political Ad on Upworthy, then BoingBoing, then Huffington Post, and then Time Magazine reported on the campaign’s five-day crowdfunding surge. On Wednesday morning, NBC’s Today Show featured the story and it exploded… USA Today, CNN.com, Washington Post, and Al Jazeera created a wave that led to Represent.Us director Josh Silver being interviewed live on CNN.

Then last night, we hit our second crowdfunding goal just five short days after the first one! The momentum is undeniable, the excitement is palpable, and we’re not done yet.

Will you help kick off the next wave of momentum by watching and sharing Honest Gil’s hilarious new “Honest Ad” on the economy? Together, we can blast through our next fundraising goal too.

Here’s why all of this momentum matters:

Honest Gil is pushing our issue into mainstream news and culture. That’s absolutely essential to building awareness of the problem AND the idea that there’s an innovative, nonpartisan, grassroots effort emerging to fix it.

The 800 folks who have pitched in to make this happen need your help to take it to the next level with TV and radio ads, and a massive PR push with the Kentucky media. 

Will you watch and share Honest Gil’s next video with a couple of your friends to help keep the momentum alive? It’s hilarious. They’ll love it, I promise.

Things are happening fast. If you’d like to stay more up to date and be part of the excitement, you should like Honest Gil on Facebook, and follow Represent.Us on Facebook for up-to-the-minute campaign updates.

And of course, please share Gil's campaign with your friends so we can take Kentucky by storm. The bigger we get, the more power we have!

Go Honest Gil!!!

— Graham

Here are links to a few of the stories. Enjoy!


CNN Newsroom

USA Today

The Today Show

The Washington Post

Time Magazine Online

Huffington Post


Fast Company

Boing Boing

Political Wire

Al Jazeera America

Kentucky TV (WHAS) 

Kentucky TV (WDRB)

Political Liberty Digest (Libertarian Blog)

Joshua Graham Lynn, Program Director

Represent.Us is building a non-partisan movement to make the government represent the people. Learn more about the solution at www.AntiCorruptionAct.org. Connect with us on Facebook, tweet on Twitter, and add your name to join the movement. Get involved locally, or donate what you can to support the fight against corruption. Represent.Us is a project of United Republic. Unsubscribe here
Represent.Us Campaign, United Republic, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100