Add your name: Senators must stop these cabinet picks

President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet nominees show that he plans to empower big polluters, oil and gas companies and fossil fuel industry lobbyists more than ever.

This Cabinet of Polluters — Scott Pruitt at EPA, Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy and Ryan Zinke as Secretary of the Interior — have terrible records on environmental issues, and have sided with the oil, gas and mining industries over our climate, the American people and public health.

Sign and send a petition from the NRDC Action Fund to tell your senators to oppose the confirmation of Trump's anti-environment nominees.

Here's why these big polluters, fossil fuel allies, and climate deniers shouldn't be in positions of power of our climate and natural resources:
  • Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator: Throughout his career, Attorney General Pruitt has denied man-made climate change and has been hostile to the EPA and its mission of protecting human health and the environment.
  • Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State: As CEO of ExxonMobil, Mr. Tillerson put his company's interests ahead of those of the United States and the American public, and has thwarted action on climate change.
  • Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy: Governor Perry also denies man-made climate change and has displayed open disdain for the very existence of the Department of Energy.
  • Ryan Zinke as Secretary of Interior: Another climate change denier, Rep. Zinke's environmental voting record was given a rock-bottom score of just 3% by the League of Conservation Voters.
Sign and send the message from the NRDC Action Fund to tell your senators to oppose the confirmation of Trump's anti-environment nominees.

Keep fighting,
Rachel Colyer, Daily Kos

Paid for by the NRDC Action Fund

Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612.

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