A brief (and rare) Political Announcement

I eat, breathe, and sleep music - mostly jazz - it is my life's calling. 

It may seem to be 'all about me' sometimes, but I make a conscious effort to help friends, family, and others, in this field and others, and to have an ongoing Social Conscience. It occurred to me long ago that if I didn't take the helm to get my music message out there and share my accomplishments, that it would be unlikely that I could sustain a career and keep doing what I do. With that in mind, I try to remain humble in my posts, and receiving my accolades, and try to keep my specific charms in perspective within the long history of music- past, present, and future. I am happy just to be effective! There are many with a truly stellar history who really deserve it! 

That said, I firmly believe it is not 'all about me' (nor you), and that we all have to be aware of our world in motion, distress, and in conflict (as well as joy and brotherhood). Not that we need to live fearful lives, but we do need to be aware and live integrated lives- because we may lose whatever choices and freedoms we have earned and learned if we don't act to protect our freedoms in an informed manner. 

My rare political message is one of thinking locally as well as globally and applying egalitarian values to everything you do. Change what you can change, and support the others who can make changes. I do not offer specifics very often, but since we are here, how about a few? 


1.  Transit Plebiscite Pros and Cons (this is how you weigh the pluses and minuses of Vancouver's proposed transit tax - personally I vote 'NO')

2. Stop the KOCH BROTHERS. They are the money behind Citizens United (in the US - which allows unfair, unlimited funding of Presidential candidates by the uber-rich)

and also behind the Oil Sands in Canada (whose oil will it be and to what end?). Read More

3.  Learn more about ISIS/ ISIL. The world is facing a global crisis and ongoing war that rivals Hitler's rampage. However the game has changed- instead of facing a one headed monster snake, the world is faced with a multi-headed monster that can easily hide in the coat-tails of its Islamic generality, and does not need an army of tanks and jackbooted soldiers to accomplish horrendous acts of terror. Just today, breaking news re: West Edmonton Mall and Halifax...... Don't know to what I refer? That's the point! What about Bill C-51? (Bill C-51 gives security forces too much power for too little reason. It is worth fighting.) THINK. ACT. SHARE.

4. Subscribe online to The Daily KOS (below), to keep barometer readings on the insufferable US Political chaos and stupidity, which will ultimately affect us all as Canadians as it unfolds in our backyard and shapes Stephen Harper's (non-transparent) agenda. Even a quick browse will bend your mind! 

There are things you can do to make a difference, and being aware is one!

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