An open letter to Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, and every other Republican senator who voted to acquit Trump:

Friend, the U.S. Senate is returning to work today on Capitol Hill. This is not to help pass new pandemic relief legislation, but instead to… wait for it… confirm more of Trump's judges.

The nation has surpassed one million confirmed COVID-19 cases, the death toll is approaching 70,000, and 30 million people have filed unemployment claims. But instead of working to help provide further relief from this ongoing catastrophe, Mitch McConnell and friends are instead working to help cement the right-wing's grasp on our judicial system.

Please remember how much of our disastrous response to the pandemic can be blamed on Republican U.S. senators. They stayed quiet as Trump blamed China, the World Health Organization, blue-states and even Obama, for his shortcomings as President. They stayed quiet as Trump mused about unfounded medical advice like pushing the drug hydroxychloroquine or even such measures as injecting bleach or exposing one's body to ultraviolet light. They delayed needed relief bills and focused on bailing out their corporate allies instead of everyday Americans.

Republican U.S. senators could have prevented all this by removing Trump from office in February when they had a chance. Instead, they gave Trump a pass; fearing Trump's retaliation and his rabid base.

We now need to hold every single one of those Republican senators accountable for their vote to keep Trump in the White House.

As Michael mentions in his email below, there are nine seats held by Republicans that Democrats have a real chance of flipping in the upcoming November elections. We only need to win four of those seats to gain control of the Senate. That's why I am asking you to give $1 to each of those Democratic nominee and candidate funds to help us end the Republican stranglehold.

Keep fighting,
Amanda McKay, Daily Kos

Gabriel Mark, Republican senators like Susan Collins and Cory Gardner own
Collins, Gardner and the rest of the Republican Senate caucus who bowed to the cult of Trump and voted to acquit the president of his crimes in their sham impeachment trial helped create this crisis by keeping in power a man who is tragically unfit for the office he occupies.

Fifty-two Republican senators voted to acquit Trump, and every single one of them needs to be held accountable for their votes. It may take years to make each and every one of them pay, but we can take immediate action against Susan Collins, Cory Gardner and every other Republican up for re-election this fall. Please give $1 to each of the Democratic nominee funds and candidates in the nine races that will make or break the Republican Senate majority this fall.

Retaking the Senate is a tall order, but it is an absolutely essential one. Even if Democrats win the White House, their agenda will be stopped cold if Mitch McConnell still holds the reins of the Senate—and he will do everything in his power to make sure a Democratic president takes the blame for the destruction that Trump leaves behind.

Daily Kos' endorsements team has identified nine races that will make or break McConnell's majority:
  • Susan Collins in Maine
  • John Cornyn in Texas
  • Steve Daines in Montana
  • Joni Ernst in Iowa
  • Cory Gardner in Colorado
  • Kelly Loeffler in Georgia
  • Martha McSally in Arizona
  • David Perdue in Georgia
  • Thom Tillis in North Carolina
Flipping the Senate must be a top priority for Democrats this fall. Click here to give $1 to unseat each of these Republican flunkies.

Thank you,
Michael Langenmayr, Daily Kos

Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612.
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Still fighting the NRA

From a student, not an actor:

It's been two years since a gunman with a military-grade assault weapon stormed my high school and senselessly murdered 17 of my classmates and educators. I can't begin to describe the pain and hopelessness I felt.
In the days after that horrific tragedy, the NRA wanted us to believe we had no power to change anything. But my peers and I didn’t buy that. Just a bunch of kids, we declared war on their deadly agenda and took on one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington.
At first they ignored us. Then they laughed at us. Soon enough they fought us. And now? We're going to keep fighting until we win.
We know that the NRA and the politicians in their pocket will never do what it takes to stop these senseless, preventable tragedies. So we win by working around them – and I'm fighting as hard as I possibly can alongside Ban Assault Weapons NOW to do just that.
The historic movement behind BAWN is the best chance we have to pass a constitutional ban on deadly assault weapons, like the kind that murdered 17 members of our Marjory Stoneman Douglas family. But honestly, we're facing an uphill battle, and we're falling way behind where we need to be.
That is why this news is so amazing: A group of donors just stepped up to match every contribution – dollar for dollar – until midnight tomorrow!
We set a match goal of $25,000 in honor of those we lost on 2/14/18, and I urgently need your help to meet it. Too many lives are on the line to let our movement get off track – so coming up short simply isn't an option.

But there's good news: If everyone reading this email right now chipped in even just a few dollars, we'd hit our goal in minutes. I know not everyone will, so I'm personally asking if I can count on you, Mary: Will you rush $25 or more ($25 becomes $50) right now to help us defeat the NRA and bring the lifesaving change we so desperately need?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I don’t want what happened in Parkland just to be another mass shooting. I don’t want this to be something that people forget. BAWN's movement is how we make sure that they won't.

When people think of Parkland, they're going to think about how it sparked lifesaving change – and I can't thank you enough for making that possible.

David Hogg
Chief Organizing Coordinator, Ban Assault Weapons NOW

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Paid political advertisement paid for by Ban Assault Weapons NOW 6619 S Dixie Hwy #148, Miami, FL 33143

From Gabriel Sent from Mobile

April was the month Covid 19 would magically disappear?!

One coronavirus death in the United States was reported every 44 seconds during the month of April. Maybe this is why:

Gabriel Hasselbach


Fox News comes after Daily Kos for reporting the facts

Fox News—an outlet that has spewed so much dangerous misinformation about the coronavirus outbreak that is reportedly worried about being sued over its coverage—is calling out one of Daily Kos' top writers for getting a story right.

The right-wing robots at Fox might be content repeating whatever talking points the Trump White House emails them, but that's not who we are or who we will ever be. We work hard to get the facts straight and to connect our readers to actions that can help them do something about the news they read. We've taken this responsibility more seriously than ever during the coronavirus outbreak, as millions more people have come to us for the latest news.

Here's how Daily Kos ended up as a Fox News target:

In February, Staff Writer Mark Sumner wrote that Trump's lies and right-wing conspiracy theories were making the outbreak much more dangerous than it needed to be. In it, Mark noted that Republican Sen. Tom Cotton was among those spreading misinformation, specifically calling out Cotton's claims that the virus came from a lab. (You can read Mark's story here.)

Last week, Cotton doubled down, penning an op-ed trying to justify his claims that the virus came from a lab. His evidence is entirely circumstantial, and nothing has changed since Cotton started making these claims in February—experts still don't believe the virus emerged from a lab, as NPR notes in a story debunking this right-wing tinfoil hat theory.

But Fox News isn't the sort of outlet that lets pesky experts and their facts get in the way of a good story to "own the libs," so this weekend they ran a story pretending that Cotton had been somehow vindicated, and calling Mark out specifically for his February story.

In summary:
  • Daily Kos Staff Writer Mark Sumner wrote that Sen. Tom Cotton was claiming that the virus came from a lab. (Cotton was, and still is.)
  • Experts neither then nor now believe the virus came from a lab.
  • Fox News thinks this makes Tom Cotton right and Mark wrong ... somehow 路‍♀️
That's it. That's Fox News' big "gotcha" moment for Daily Kos.

Daily Kos is the country's largest independent, progressive news outlet. We don't have corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Small contributions from readers and activists like you are our biggest source of income. Please chip in $5 now to support our work if you haven't already.

Thank you,
Faith Gardner, Publisher
Daily Kos

If you wish to donate by mail instead, please send a check to Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612. Contributions to Daily Kos are not tax deductible. (Please note that we may be slow to process checks during the coronavirus outbreak.)

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From Gabriel Sent from Mobile

Born in 1900

Very interesting. A lot of things we don’t think about. Things sure were  not easy for the old-timers


An interesting read... to remember what life was like in the past for so many!

It’s a mess out there now. Hard to discern between what’s a real threat and what is just simple panic and hysteria. For a small amount of perspective at this moment, imagine you were born in 1900. On your 14th birthday, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday. 22 million people perish in that war. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until your 20th birthday. 50 million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million. On your 29th birthday, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, the World GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy. When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet. And don’t try to catch your breath. On your 41st birthday, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war. At 50, the Korean War starts. 5 million perish. At 55 the Vietnam War begins and doesn’t end for 20 years. 4 million people perish in that conflict. On your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, should have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening. When you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends. Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. How do you survive all of that? When you were a kid in 1985 and didn’t think your 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. And how mean that kid in your class was. Yet they survived through everything listed above. Perspective is an amazing art. Refined as time goes on, and enlightening like you wouldn’t believe. Let’s try and keep things in perspective. Let’s be smart, help each other out, and we will get through all of this.






From Gabriel Sent from Mobile

Fwd: Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell
Traitor to the American people

Here is a teaser, but read the whole article, link below.

“Longtime lawmakers in both parties say that the Senate is broken. In February, seventy former senators signed a bipartisan letter decrying the institution for not “fulfilling its constitutional duties.” Dick Durbin, of Illinois, who has been in the Senate for twenty-four years and is now the second-in-command in the Democratic leadership, told me that, under McConnell, “the Senate has deteriorated to the point where there is no debate whatsoever—he’s dismantled the Senate brick by brick.” McConnell was the Minority Leader from 2006 to 2014. After Barack Obama was elected in 2008, McConnell used the filibuster to block a record number of bills and nominations supported by the Administration. As Majority Leader, he has control over the chamber’s schedule, and he keeps bills and nominations he opposes from even coming up for consideration. “He’s the traffic cop, and you can’t get through the intersection without him,” Durbin said.”

Gabriel Hasselbach


From Gabriel Sent from Mobile

Bernie Sanders. What’s next?

Some strategies below...

I have been engaged in an ongoing discussion about possible subterfuge and Bernie Sanders’ upcoming strategy (and that of his voting supporters like me) with friends.

Since Bernie dropped out of the race, and officially supported Biden, my position was to hope that Bernie’s solid talking points would be incorporated into the agenda of the presumptive nominee, Joe Biden, and be supported by the Bernie Bros and all Dems. However I was missing a few details, and it seems there are a few cards for him yet to play! So have a read below.... it’s not over till it’s over.
