The Revolution Is Under Way Already

Face it: we cannot return to anything resembling ‘normal’. We are entering a challenging and terrifying  new era of restructuring our world and now is the time to swipe left on corporate greed and manipulation, racism, lies, misinformation, Christian Right hypocrisies, hate, gaslighting, protective Republican political agendas, and self serving conservative values that keep the general populace down and uninformed, rather than lifting up society as a whole by giving back as much as they take. 

Capitalism can’t and shouldn’t be dead, but it should not be the goal at all costs. 

We all must pay it forward and our social actions will help shape the world we step into in the undetermined future, which is looking pretty bleak right now. If one could count on the better instincts of Humankind to take the ship’s helm with love and consideration, the future would not seem so dystopian, but we all know which forces have the power, money, and sheer egregious will to force their dominating outcome.

Now is the time to make a difference through all-important personal social sharing and awareness campaigns. Civilization can implode under external pressure and its own grave contradictions, or it can be reimagined and repurposed, but it requires just that: a sense of purpose. A rising tide lifts all boats....

Now that you have time to hunker down - stop wringing your hands or sticking your head in the sand- there is a lot on the line and one chance only to push the reset button. 

Get fired up and woke by adding these true life Social Injustice video-on-demand films to your queue. I promise you won’t be bored, but you will be properly outraged and hopefully motivated to help shape our collective future. If the little guy does nothing, the bullies WILL STEAL ALL THE LUNCH MONEY ON THE PLAYGROUND. AGAIN.

Here are a few films to get you started, and don’t forget Michael Moore’s docs about GM and Flint.

DARK WATERS starring Mark Ruffalo - Watch corporate greed and obdurate tactics run amok at the expense of millions of lives 

JUST MERCY starring Michael B Jordan - Watch bigots who run much of the western world in action as a world-renowned civil rights defense attorney works to free a wrongly condemned death row prisoner.

QUEEN & SLIM Watch what happens when a couple's first date takes an unexpected turn  and when trigger happy police are feeling their oats 

THE CORPORATION - Check out the Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power

See how this has played out in history: ‘The Atlantic: The Revolution is Under Way Already’